Welcome to the (DVHS) Circle of Friends Blog!

DVHS Circle of Friends
1 min readNov 27, 2020

Hello members! This is a new way to participate in our club, given the current unforeseen circumstances (unable to get in contact with buddies). Here are the steps to getting published!

  1. come up with an idea! there are many things you could write about. the purpose of this platform would be to educate others and expand on your opinions on topics related to special education. you can do your own research, interview people, whatever you like. note: this does not have to be super professional, however keep it appropriate.
  2. write to your hearts content ❤ including a picture/graphic would be awesome too.
  3. edit, check for grammar/spelling mistakes, NO PLAGIARISM, check your sources
  4. share it with dvhscircleoffriends@gmail.com, send us an email and let us know. if you don’t hear back soon, contact our communications manager directly, Kristen Yee, dh.kyee@students.srvusd.net.
  5. we will be in touch with you soon, and we will publish your story!

if you are still stuck, here are some examples/ideas of cool topics.

  • BLM impact on people with disabilities, how police handle cases with special-needs individuals
  • impact that current COVID-19 stimulus packages have on special-education services
  • stories of people with disabilities in quarantine
  • impact of new healthcare laws/policies on special-needs individuals/those with disabilities
  • advice on how to bond with people with disabilities in a pandemic
  • advice on how to go about online school/remote learning with learning challenges

contact us if you have any questions/concerns!

-your circle of friends officers ❤



DVHS Circle of Friends

The official blog of Dougherty Valley High's Circle of Friends Chapter